International Assignments Announced

Submitted by sandydennis on

We are honored to announce that our Haydenettes and Lexettes have been selected to represent the U.S.A. at several esteemed international competitions. Haydenettes will be competing at the 2017 Shanghai Trophy (Shanghai, China. November 24-26, 2017) and the Neuchâtel Trophy 2018 (Neuchâtel, Switzerland. January 19-21, 2018). Our Lexettes will be competing at the Leon Lurje Trophy 2018 (Göteborg, Sweden. January 26-28, 2018). We are very proud of our skaters! Congratulations, Haydenettes and Lexettes!

April 07, 2017

The Haydenettes skated a strong short program at the ISU World Synchronized Skating Championship 2017 on Friday.

April 08, 2017

The Haydenettes - skating as Team USA - presented a powerful and beautiful free program to a Prince medley on Saturday at the ISU World Synchronized Skating Championship 2017.